Reframing Creativity

Creativity expands far beyond this one specific area, and into nearly every aspect of our lives. While it may be true that some people are more “creative” than others and some may even identify as “not creative at all,” I’d love to challenge that narrative.

In what ways are you creative?

What are some new creative approaches you’d like to apply to your life?

In what ways have you always been creative and maybe didn’t realize it?

The End of the Rainbow

Finances are one of the biggest topics we will ever face in this life. The way this world has developed has put money in the forefront of nearly every decision we have to make.

The value we see so far away is much closer to home than we think. When we search for the infamous gold, we must remember that it’s there waiting for us, even if we need to hit the pavement to find it.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict: one of our least favorite things, especially in relationships. The dream in place of it is one of peace and harmony… Is that even possible?

Setting the Stage for Success

Your space is your stage. It’s your sanctuary, your safe haven, your green screen, a blank canvas for you. Is it clear and ready for you to splash intentional color onto? Or does it have a bunch of unintentional built-up gunk and overspray from everything else going on? Over time, it has become very apparent how important it is to give that attention and intention to our space, both where we live and where we work or create.

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Exploring the Value Within

What does value mean to you?
There are so many words one can associate with value, and discovering those words for ourselves individually can help us discover or solidify our purpose. It’s all relative to you.

What is valuable to you? What makes you feel valued in yourself and in your community? Time? Money? Emotional connection? Actions? Material items? Attention?

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