Spring into Movement

“As the landscape wakes up with longer days in the sunshine, so do we. After conserving so much energy this winter, I’m ready to move! We don’t need to run a marathon or go to the gym everyday to incorporate exercise. We can enjoy ourselves as we disrupt the stagnant energy in our bodies and move it out of our muscles through our breath, sweat, and emotions.  

To move with more purpose, it’s good to know some keys to movement and other aspects that can contribute to a deeper understanding of what motivates you and brings more enjoyment to your day.”

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Reframing Creativity

Creativity expands far beyond this one specific area, and into nearly every aspect of our lives. While it may be true that some people are more “creative” than others and some may even identify as “not creative at all,” I’d love to challenge that narrative.

In what ways are you creative?

What are some new creative approaches you’d like to apply to your life?

In what ways have you always been creative and maybe didn’t realize it?

The End of the Rainbow

Finances are one of the biggest topics we will ever face in this life. The way this world has developed has put money in the forefront of nearly every decision we have to make.

The value we see so far away is much closer to home than we think. When we search for the infamous gold, we must remember that it’s there waiting for us, even if we need to hit the pavement to find it.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict: one of our least favorite things, especially in relationships. The dream in place of it is one of peace and harmony… Is that even possible?

Cheesy Sauce

Another recipe I can no longer live without. It’s fast and easy, and full of healthy ingredients! Recipe first, then video overview and photo instructions, followed by ways to modify and commentary. Adapted from Brandi Doming’s recipe: The Vegan 8 “The Best Vegan Garlic Alfredo Sauce” Ingredients:1 Yellow Onion (medium)1 Yam (small-medium)2 tsp Vegetable Bouillon1Continue reading “Cheesy Sauce”

Banana Pancakes

I can’t stop making these, they are like healthy banana bread for breakfast! They are simple, delicious, vegan, gluten free, sugar free, wholefood, and quite unbelievable!

12 Days of Holistic Health

As the year comes to an end, I love to think about what has happened as a whole in the last 12 months. While some aspects of the end of the year can feel awfully close to the beginning, it’s important to give credit where it’s due in all you’ve done for yourself and/or those around you.

Pumpkin Lentil Curry

If you’re still going strong on eating tasty seasonal fruit like pumpkins, check out this simple, easy, and delicious recipe for a lentil curry. To save you time, I’ll lay out the recipe first and share my thoughts around it at the end. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I have!

Meal Preparation Basics: Batching and Time-Management

With just a little bit of practice, the extra time really adds up! Not to mention, on the days when you need to make everything and you have no free time, you can jump for joy knowing you won’t need to do it all over again tomorrow.. or the next day… or the next day.

Meal Preparation Basics: Organizing and Planning

Whether you are planning your meals for one day, one week, or making staples you can have available for you weeks ahead of time, it is beneficial to brainstorm a little. Getting options out in the open and seeing how much food and how frequently you want to cook will show you how simple and straight forward it can be. I’ll leave you with some ideas to try out while you’re preparing to get going in the kitchen this season.