Reframing Creativity

Creativity expands far beyond this one specific area, and into nearly every aspect of our lives. While it may be true that some people are more “creative” than others and some may even identify as “not creative at all,” I’d love to challenge that narrative. In what ways are you creative? What are some new creative approaches you’d like to apply to your life? In what ways have you always been creative and maybe didn’t realize it?

12 Days of Holistic Health

As the year comes to an end, I love to think about what has happened as a whole in the last 12 months. While some aspects of the end of the year can feel awfully close to the beginning, it’s important to give credit where it’s due in all you’ve done for yourself and/or those around you.

Meal Preparation Basics: Organizing and Planning

Whether you are planning your meals for one day, one week, or making staples you can have available for you weeks ahead of time, it is beneficial to brainstorm a little. Getting options out in the open and seeing how much food and how frequently you want to cook will show you how simple and straight forward it can be. I’ll leave you with some ideas to try out while you’re preparing to get going in the kitchen this season.  

Trust Fall: A Lesson and a Practice

Trust is most commonly framed as something that we have with or give to another person either automatically, or over time of learning who they really are. Zooming out, it’s clear how much farther it goes than that, and begs the question… Who and what can we rely on?